Monday 9 February 2009

Monday morning high - again

We had another great service yesterday. I haven't counted the people in there - one of the deacons does that but he was away preaching at another church. By my estimate, there were about 50 people in the service. Again, a few of our regulars were not there, but we had lots of kids from the Boys' and Girls' Brigade, some of their parents, and a few other visitors. The Lord is doing awesome things in and through this church!

I had a chat with David last night - he's already thinking and planning ahead, has a bunch of great ideas - I like his spirit! If we get a few of the others to catch the vision, we're in for a wild ride this year.

One apparently small thing really touched my heart. At the end of the service, I got a hug from a little girl, and she started telling me all about things she did in the Girls' Brigade. And then her sister came, and soon I had a small group of children around me. I only met these kids two or three weeks ago - it's great to see them opening up and considering me part of the family. Some of them come from broken families, or from all sorts of difficult backgrounds. If we can offer them genuine love and care, we're already well on the way of influencing their life for eternity. And, who knows, maybe their parents will get to know the love of our Lord too.

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