Monday 23 March 2009

God's faithfulness

"God, who has called you into fellowship with his Son Jesus Christ our Lord, is faithful." (1 Corinthians 1:9). Such a simple statement, isn't it? God is faithful. He called us into fellowship with His Son, and He is faithful - He will keep His word. This is the unshakeable foundation of our faith.

I was reminded of this last night as I listened to the presentation of Shekinah Mission. They started as a work of faith, in response to a need, and the Lord has been faithful. They are now touching countless lives, and the Lord is transforming them and calling them to Himself. A small group of people, who had no funds or buildings or organisation behind them - people who had a dream and were ready to run with it - placed themselves in the hands of our Lord, and He used them to build what Shekinah Mission is today.
I am being reminded of this every time the Lord answers a prayer, or a need, or when He draws a new soul into the fellowship of His church. Yesterday's passage was all about grace (John 8: 1 -12). Jesus, the light of the world, showing His light in grace towards a woman who was just a pawn in the game the Pharisees were playing. Jesus, showing grace even to the pharisees who were there to trick him into breaking the law. Jesus, showing that He is not about power and coercion, but about love and forgiveness and freedom. About opening up a new door of hope. I live because of His grace. Ford Church is here because of His grace. God is faithful, and because He is, we have a hope and a future.

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